Bienes/productos consumo

El proyecto SuN4Med centrado en los envases sostenibles
23/01/2025 - El proyecto impulsa el desarrollo de envases alimentarios sostenibles y biodegradables para reducir la contaminación ambiental por residuos de plásticos y el desperdicio de...
Development and Characterization of Potato Starch–Pectin‐Based Active Films Enriched With Juniper Berry Essential Oil for Food Packaging Applications
24/01/2025 - Significant antibacterial activity of the bioactive films was observed against P. aeruginosa, S. aureus, and C. albicans. These findings suggest that JBEO enhances the functional and active...
Recovery, Bioactivity, and Utilization of Bioactive Phenolic Compounds in Citrus Peel
07/11/2024 - Citrus peels are rich in bioactive phenolic compounds present in both extractable and nonextractable fractions with various health benefits. Recovery and characterization of both phenolic fractions...
Myrrh Oleo‐Gum Resin as a Functional Additive in Pectin and κ‐Carrageenan Composite Films for Food Packaging
05/11/2024 - Visual examination of the prepared film samples based on pectin and κ‐carrageenan composite loaded with myrrh oleo‐gum resin as a functional additive.ABSTRACTMyrrh oleo‐gum‐resin (MOGR) is a...
Proximate composition, some phytochemical constituents, potential uses, and safety of neem leaf flour: A review
17/07/2024 - Currently, since neem leaf flour is getting great consideration because of its uses for medicinal purposes, preserving grains and fruits, merely using as an ingredient, and as nutraceutical food, it...
Antimicrobial and food barrier properties of polyvinyl alcohol–lactic acid food packaging films
21/06/2024 - Conventional food packaging materials lead to food contamination with microplastics. Biodegradable polymers are an alternative to these plastics. Polyvinyl acid/lactic acid films are a promising...
Bilayer coatings for extension of the shelf life of fish fillets: Incorporating seaweed sulfated polysaccharides in chitosan‐alginate LbL structures
03/01/2024 - Marine sulfated polysaccharide from the Sargassum angustifolium from Persian Gulf has antioxidant and antibacterial potential in the seafood packaging industry. Multilayer packaging systems using a...
A novel film based on a cellulose/sodium alginate/gelatin composite activated with an ethanolic fraction of Boswellia sacra oleo gum resin
07/12/2023 - Cellulose, sodium alginate, and gelatin composite edible films were fabricated with the addition of different concentrations of the ethanolic fraction of Boswellia sacra oleo gum resin (BSOR). The...
An investigation of the morphological, thermal, mechanical, and barrier properties of an active packaging containing micro‐ and nano‐sized ZnO particles
07/09/2023 - The objective of this research is to improve sago‐based biodegradable film embedded with nano‐ and micro‐ZnO (zinc oxide), as well as estimate the properties of the films. Different percentages...
Characterization of active Cerish fructan‐sumac extract composite films: Physical, mechanical, and antioxidant properties
13/07/2023 - In this study, the properties of Eremurus spectabilis (Cerish) root fructans (ESRF) film and its combination with Rhus coriaria L. (Sumac) extract (RCLE) at different concentrations (1%, 2%, 3%, and...
Analytical techniques for determination of heavy metal migration from different types of locally made plastic food packaging materials using ICP‐MS
13/07/2023 - Plastic food packaging is an essential element for customer convenience and the preservation of food quality. Nonetheless, heavy metals in the packaging materials, either intentionally or...
Physicochemical and functional characterization of gelatin edible film incorporated with fucoidan isolated from Sargassum tenerrimum
13/07/2023 - Incorporation of fucoidan extracted from brown algae (Sargassum tenerrimum) with fish gelatin films improved thermal stability, anti‐oxidative, and antibacterial characteristics in addition to...